Friday, March 4, 2016

Song of Prayer

I know it has been a long time since I posted anything on my blog, but honestly, the Lord just hasn't been downloading anything in me to post lately. I have been spending my time most recently moving, and then spending more time with Jesus and growing in my relationship and intimacy with Him. It is so important to have that intimacy with Jesus! Now, He is beginning to show me more things, tell me more things, and even been reminding me of past visions and dreams. I wanted to share a song that I had written. It started out as a prayer for an outpouring of the fire of God and then ended up being a prayer of awakening for His people and this nation:

Let Your fire fall, Jesus
Awaken our souls
Open our hearts to receive
All that You have for us

We cry out beneath these ashes
Come save us from ourselves
We're slipping farther away from You
This nation needs Your help!

We call evil good and good evil
We put darkness in place of light
We prefer bitter over the sweet
This nation needs your help!

Let us boldly take a stand
And tell the devil where to go!
His schemes have gone on too long
We're not taking any more!

Awaken this nation
Awaken us, Lord
Set our hearts
Ablaze for You!

More posts to come... :)


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