Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Dream From Father God

September 5, 2016

I was in a house, I think a farm house, with a young girl, maybe 6 in age, and a woman I didn't recognize, but in the dream I did (in my spirit I knew her as my Aunt Maggie, who passed away when I was 3). My husband Kenny was there, too, but I guess he was in a different part of the house, because I only saw him once, which was at the beginning of the dream.
I was talking to the woman; we were both sitting on a bed having a conversation when it began to rain really hard suddenly. We had to go through the house and close any windows that were letting rain in (they had been open at the start of the dream).
Then we went outside (me and the woman). It wasn't raining when we went out there, although the wind was blowing a lot. It had gotten so cloudy, it looked almost like it was nighttime.
I had to go check on something, which is why we came outside. So, I began walking toward a pasture and was about 100 feet away when a huge bolt of lightning struck a dead tree in the pasture. I could see the fire burning and the burn marks in the tree trunk. I turned to the woman and said, "That was close!" I then continued on to what I was doing. I ended up walking into this booster station (those fenced in electrical boxes you see on the side of the roads). Well, I walked all the way to the back, where a fence separated the station from a road. I looked across the road and saw another booster station, bigger in size. Then I began looking at all the houses that lined the street and noticed a lot of them were dark, but then there were a few that had lights on. Then I began walking back towards the house. I had to cross a narrow trench (which wasn't there before) to get out of the booster station.
Then I was back at the house and the little girl's "Dad" had just come in from work. I didn't see his face; only saw that he wore a dark blue business suit and held a briefcase in his left hand.
The woman began telling him about the storm and the lightning strike. Then I said, "Yeah, any closer and it would have hit me!" He responded, "But you are protected." We were in this conversation then about what if I'm not ready to go to heaven if something like that happened again; something to that effect. Then he said, "Everything I ask you to do, you do it, and without complaining. I see the little things you do." Then I heard him say, "Feed my children (referring to the little girl). I will protect you..."

That was pretty much it... There are some questions to this dream, like why did he say children if he was only referring to one child? Why was the woman my Aunt Maggie? Stuff like that...

God shows me a lot through dreams and visions... Most of the time, though, I can't seem to make sense of them...

However, I kind of sense that this dream is a calling into something new. The protection part is obvious... :) If anyone hears from Holy Spirit about this, please let me know!!

Joel 2:28 “And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.