I found this tucked away in one of my journals that my husband found yesterday, and I decided to share it...
Earlier this morning, I had a dream; it was like I was in the midst of one big party, and Satan was there, dressed all in black from head to toe; I couldn't even see his face. There were two guys at this party that I met. They were very nice, but they had gotten sucked in to Satan's lies. They both wanted out; they wanted to leave because they realized how bad this "party" actually was. They were looking to me for answers as to how they could escape the grip Satan had on them and this party we were in...
Before I could answer them, Satan told them that if they sucked on a straw, then they could leave (something to that effect). So, they were desperate, and did as he said. The moment they did that, he took their souls. I could see them being snatched from their bodies.
One of the guys came up to me later and said that he wished he had been taught about repentance. It had become too late for him.
That was all I remember......
So, the thing here is teaching our generation about repentance! REPENTANCE!!!!!!! I can not express it enough how important this word is. If you are any Christian at all, you will teach others about repentance. TRUE REPENTANCE! True repentance is from the heart, never to return to the junk that had you ensnared before. Like when the adulteress was going to be stoned to death, and Jesus came to her rescue and told her to "Go, and sin no more."
There is a revelation that comes when you truly repent from your heart. It's different for everyone, so I'm not going to tell you what that revelation is... I will tell you, that in my experience, I felt the warmth of the Father's love envelope me and make me whole again.
But repentance doesn't stop there. True repentance is admitting your sin to the Father, and then changing your position to walk in His presence from that moment on, not looking back.
Thank you for your time in reading this post, and I hope and pray that you receive something great out of this post, and this whole blog for that matter.
Be blessed and be a blessing!
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